• After one hour wash lightly, by splashing water onto the area and gently loosening any pigment or fluid build up. Keep the area clean by washing with freshly washed hands to loosen any pigment build up. Do not use a washcloth or sponge, do not let the shower hit you directly in the face. Do not use cleansing creams, acne cleansers or astringents on the tattooed area.

  • Eyebrow Microblading or Powder Shading: Check brows every hour for lymph fluid build up the first day ONLY. This resembles beads of sweat or moisture on the skin. Using warm water, moisten a paper towel and gently blot clean to prevent excessive crusting. If crusting happens, do not scrub, rub or pick at the epithelial crust. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready the pigment underneath it can be pulled out and scarring can occur.

  • Do not use any makeup near the procedure area for two weeks. This includes mascara for eyeliner procedures. Purchase a new mascara and use only clean brushes if possible to avoid contamination or bacterial infection.

  • Once fully healed, Using a daily moisturizer with a SPF after the procedure area is completely healed will protect from sun fading.

  • For atleast two weeks following the procedure minimize exposure to the sun

  • No swimming in pools, lakes, oceans, or any body of water.

  • The tattoo must not be submerged or soaked for long periods of time in any water.

  • Apply ointment (such as Aquaphor) once daily if itching occurs in a very sparse amount.

  • Use sterile bandage or dressing when necessary

What’s Normal?

  • Swelling, itching, scabbing, light bruising and dry tightness. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare cream is nice for scabbing and tightness, Ointments should be used sparingly with extreme caution - overuse can lead to small pimples around the area. This occurs when the pores are too clogged with ointment and begin to push it out (along with pigment) and can lead to a minor infection.

  • Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade and once swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears. If they are too dark or still a bit uneven after 6 weeks then we will make adjustments during the touch up appointment.

  • Color change or color loss. As the procedure area heals the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. This can all be addressed during the touch up appointment and is why the touch up is necessary. The procedure area has to be completely healed before we can address any concerns. This takes at least four weeks.

  • A touch up may be needed 1 to 5 years after the initial procedure depending on your skin, medications and sun exposure. We recommend a touch up 6 weeks after the first session (included in today’s price) and once a year to keep them looking fresh and beautiful. Touch up sessions after 90 days will be at current touch up rate at time of touch up.

Important Notes:

  • Retin A, Renova, Alpha Hydroxy and Glycolic Acids must not be used on treated areas. They will alter the color and cause premature exfoliation of the pigment.

  • Avoid using products that contain alcohol in the ingredients as this will cause premature fading

  • Tanning beds, pools, some skin care products and medications can affect permanent makeup.

  • Any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery or other skin altering procedures, may result in adverse changes to your permanent cosmetics.

Failure to follow after care instructions may result in pigment loss, discoloration, or infection.